Integrated Management Community
Top management brief on integrated management
This PowerPoint presentation has been created by IMSIG to assist management professionals to brief top management on its benefits. The presentation covers: current world trends, evolution in approaches to management, what integrated management is, what is driving integrated management, the benefits of integrated management and the leadership challenge. The presentation may be used as it stands or customized to the needs of the organisation.
Order from Chaos: Classification Process
This PowerPoint presentation was given in 2011 by Ian Dalling at a CQI Nuclear Special Interest Group meeting at the Harwell Atomic Energy Research Establishment in the UK. It presented the material from the article ‘Order from Chaos’ published earlier in 2011. The presentation addressed the problem of how to structure a fully integrated management system when confronted by a very large number of management elements that need to be arranged in a logical and orderly way. It confronts the challenge of the need to control and guide an organisation’s processes in a fully co-ordinated way to ensure that stakeholders’ needs and expectations are equitably satisfied and how many design principles need to be simultaneously applied.
Parallels are drawn with the on-going work done by biologists to document evolutionary relationships, initiated by Charles Darwin. However, it is explained that management element taxonomy is not constrained by such precise rules and arguably is independent of space and time.